-- Eco-friendly aluminium alloy material, Super strong, high strength and lightweight. -- Funny and delicate mad hat design, as your car perfect decoration. -- Support 360 degree rotation, strong Suction Cup long life service. -- Thoroughly tested & produced under strict factory quality standards, t..
Strong magnetism: 6 pcs N50 magnets are placed in the positive and negative adjustment positions to provide strong magnetism. Washable and reusable: It will not leave any glue on the surface. Anti-scratch: The all-zinc coating anti-scratch material is not afraid of scratches. Soft silicon: Adopts so..
Strong magnetism: 6 pcs N50 magnets are placed in the positive and negative adjustment positions to provide strong magnetism. Washable and reusable: It will not leave any glue on the surface. Anti-scratch: The all-zinc coating anti-scratch material is not afraid of scratches. Soft silicon: Adopts so..
Strong magnetism: 6 pcs N50 magnets are placed in the positive and negative adjustment positions to provide strong magnetism. Washable and reusable: It will not leave any glue on the surface. Anti-scratch: The all-zinc coating anti-scratch material is not afraid of scratches. Soft silicon: Adopts so..
--Unique small lychee pattern, clear lines, full of high-end. --The contrasting color design of the luminous model shows the sporty style, fashion and playfulness, with the high-grade metal texture of the CD pattern, giving you a different visual impact. --Crystal clear pure black steel ball, breaki..
--High temperature exposure without deformation: high temperature resistant material, no deformation, no degumming, durable. --Applicable temperature range -30°C to 100°C. --Strong magnetic force: Built-in 6 super strong magnets, can keep the phone stable even on rough roads. --Make your driving mor..
--High temperature exposure without deformation: high temperature resistant material, no deformation, no degumming, durable. --Applicable temperature range -30°C to 100°C. --Strong magnetic force: Built-in 6 super strong magnets, can keep the phone stable even on rough roads. --Make your driving mor..
--Strong Magnetic: The cup-shaped magnetic phone holder can hold your phone securely even on rough roads, easy to use no matter how you clamp or release it. --Adjustable Base: The magnetic phone holder base is retractable and 360° adjustable. --Which can be securely installed in the cup of the car o..
--Strong Magnetic: The cup-shaped magnetic phone holder can hold your phone securely even on rough roads, easy to use no matter how you clamp or release it. --Adjustable Base: The magnetic phone holder base is retractable and 360° adjustable. --Which can be securely installed in the cup of the car o..
The device will automatically record the location trajectory. It can use the mobile phone after the computer to log in and check the residence time, trajectory and driving information at a glance. Accurate positioning, remote listening and self-recording. Anti-theft, anti-theft, anti-loss, when the ..