-- Stainless steel material, anti-rust, anti-corrosion, waterproof. -- Fast heat, easy to replace, to prevent leakage. -- Explosion-proof, high insulation, high safety performance. -- Perfect product for fireplace, pellet stove part etc.
Item type: Igniter Hot Rod Working v..
--With a high light distance of 500M. --With longevity and waterproof function --The product adopts intelligent glass fiber circuit board. The smooth current can protect the life of the chip for a long time, increase the service life, and the circuit has multiple protections to ensure safe use --The..
--With a high light distance of 500M. --With longevity and waterproof function --The product adopts intelligent glass fiber circuit board. The smooth current can protect the life of the chip for a long time, increase the service life, and the circuit has multiple protections to ensure safe use --The..
--With a high light distance of 500M. --With longevity and waterproof function --The product adopts intelligent glass fiber circuit board. The smooth current can protect the life of the chip for a long time, increase the service life, and the circuit has multiple protections to ensure safe use --The..
--With a high light distance of 500M. --With longevity and waterproof function --The product adopts intelligent glass fiber circuit board. The smooth current can protect the life of the chip for a long time, increase the service life, and the circuit has multiple protections to ensure safe use --The..
--One-key control, simple and convenient to use. --One key to open the dust box, convenient to pour out the dust and clean the dust box. --The removable and washable HEPA filter makes the vacuum cleaner have the greatest suction power and continuous cleaning efficiency. --This vacuum cleaner can cle..
--One-key control, simple and convenient to use. --One key to open the dust box, convenient to pour out the dust and clean the dust box. --The removable and washable HEPA filter makes the vacuum cleaner have the greatest suction power and continuous cleaning efficiency. --This vacuum cleaner can cle..
--High performance solar panel. PIR sensor active, Light rotation and tilt --Adjustable activation time up to 4 minutes, Super bright LEDs provide 150 lumens of intensity --It has double heads that can rotate and tilt, Adjustable activation time up to 4 minutes --Easy DIY installation, 5M cable incl..
--High performance solar panel. PIR sensor active, Light rotation and tilt --Adjustable activation time up to 4 minutes, Super bright LEDs provide 150 lumens of intensity --It has double heads that can rotate and tilt, Adjustable activation time up to 4 minutes --Easy DIY installation, 5M cable incl..
-- Comes with solar panel, with high photoelectric conversion efficiency, energy saving. -- Automatically charge under sunshine and give out light in the dark environment. -- Super long working time, can continuously work more than 8 hours at night if the panel absorbs enough sunshine during day. -..
-- Comes with solar panel, with high photoelectric conversion efficiency, energy saving. -- Automatically charge under sunshine and give out light in the dark environment. -- Super long working time, can continuously work more than 8 hours at night if the panel absorbs enough sunshine during day. -..